Maurizio Borghi
Professore/Professoressa ordinario/a
- Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
- SSD: IUS/04 - diritto commerciale

- +390116706996
- n/d
- Campus Luigi Einaudi
D2 room 64 -
- VCard contatti
- Department of Law
- Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
- Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
- Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto, Persona e Mercato
Prodotti della ricerca
Tutti i miei prodotti della ricercaProdotti della ricerca selezionati
My papers are on SSRN
Borghi, "Hegel’s theory of personality in copyright law: questioning the dominant (Anglo-American) paradigm", AIDA - Annali Italiani del Diritto d'Autore, vol. 32 (2023), 463 - download here
Borghi, "Commodification of intangibles in post-IP capitalism: rethinking the counter-hegemonic discourse", European Law Open, 2 (2023), 434-447 - download here
Borghi, A. Cogo & B. Khan, Trade Secrets Litigation Trends in the EU, Study commissioned by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), June 2023 - download here
Borghi & R. Brownsword (eds.) Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society: Informational Rights and Informational Wrongs (Routledge, London & New York: 2023) - buy here
Borghi & B. White, "Data Extractivism and Public Access to Algorithms", Id. 105-125 - download here
Borghi, "L'utilizzo delle opere fuori commerciio", AIDA - Annali Italiani del Diritto d'Autore, vol. 31 (2022), 2-21
Borghi, “Anonymity as a Threat to Academic Freedom”, in I. De Gennaro, H. Hofmeister & R. Lüfter (ed.) Academic Freedom in the European Context. Legal, Philosophical and Institutional Perspectives (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), 95-116.
Borghi & V. Katos, Vendor Accounts on Third Party Trading Platforms, Study commissioned by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), October 2021 - download here
Borghi, “Diritto a compenso per gli artisti interpreti-esecutori di Stati terzi all’Unione europea”, Giurisprudenza italiana, 5/2021, 1119 (2021)
Borghi, “Exceptions as users’ rights?”, in E. Rosati (ed.) Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law (Routledge, London & New York: 2021), 263-280 - download here
Borghi, “Interpreting Historical-Philosophical Sources of Intellectual Property”, in I. Calboli & M.L. Montagnani (eds.) Handbook of Intellectual Property Research: Lenses, Methods, and Perspectives (Oxford University Press, Oxford: 2021), 282-292.
Borghi & R. Simon, “Mass Media, Architecture and the New Power. A Dialogue on Pasolini’s Economy”, in I. De Gennaro, S. Kazmierski, R. Lüfter & R. Simon (Hg.), Ökonomie as Problem. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu einer Kritik ökonomischen Wissens (Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg / München, 2021), 60-76.
Borghi, "Data Portability and Regulation of Digital Markets", CIPPM / Jean-Monnet Working Papers, 2020 - download here
Borghi, “Reconstructing fairness: the problem with fair use exclusivity” in D. Gervais (ed.) Fairness, Morality and Ordre Public in Intellectual Property (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham: 2020), 53-75 - download here
Borghi, “Player piano roll” in C. Op den Kamp & D. Hunter (eds.) A History of Intellectual Property in 50 Objects (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 2019), 153-161
Borghi, “Author”, in A. Bartolini, R. Cippitani, & V. Colcelli (eds.) Dictionary of Statuses within EU Law (Springer, Berlin: 2019), 49-57
Borghi, A. Garanasvili, M. Favale & V. Katos, Illegal IPTV in the European Union: Legal, Economic and Technical Challenges, Study commissioned by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Novembre 2019 - download here
Borghi “Portabilità dei dati e regolazione dei mercati digitali”, Mercato Concorrenza Regole, a. XVIX, n. 2, 2018, 219
Borghi, “Individual rights and property rights in human genetic databases: a common-law perspective”, in R. Arnold, R. Cippitani and V. Colcelli (eds.) Genetic Information and Individual Rights (Regensburg University Press, Regensburg: 2018), 116-129 - download here
Borghi, “Copyright and the Commodification of Authorship in 18th and 19th Century Europe”, in Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Literature (Oxford University Press, Oxford: 2018)
Borghi “Hyperlink: la Corte europea riscrive il diritto di comunicazione al pubblico”, Giurisprudenza Italiana, 10/2017, 2133 (2017)
Borghi “Metaphysical Anti-Semitism in the Black Notebooks?”, Heidegger Studies, vol. 33, 2017, 329
Borghi, K. Erickson & M. Favale “With Enough Eyeballs All Searches are Diligent: Mobilizing the Crowd in Copyright Clearance for Mass Digitization”, 16 Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property, 135 (2016) - download here
Borghi “Copyright use and the many faces of property”, 3 Intellectual Property Journal, 77 (2016)
Borghi & S. Karapapa “Search engine liability for autocomplete suggestions: personality, privacy and the power of the algorithm”, International Journal of Law and Information Technology (IJLIT), Vol. 23, No. 4 (2015) - download here
Borghi & S. Karapapa, “Contractual restrictions on lawful use of information: sole-source databases protected by the back door?, European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR), Vol. 37, Issue 8, (2015) - download here
Borghi & S. Karapapa, Copyright and Mass Digitization (Oxford University Press: 2013) - buy here
Borghi, F. Ferretti & S. Karapapa, “Online data processing consent under EU law: A theoretical framework and empirical evidence from the UK”, International Journal of Law and Information Technology (IJLIT), Vol. 21, No. 2 (2013) - download here
Borghi, M. Maggiolino, M.L. Montagnani & M. Nuccio, “‘Determinants in the online distribution of digital content: an exploratory analysis”, European Journal for Law and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, (2012), 1-29
Borghi, “Knowledge, information and values in the age of mass digitisation”, in Ivo De Gennaro (ed.) Value. Sources and Readings on a Key Concept of the Globalized World (Brill, Leiden-Boston: 2012), 415-434
Borghi, “Chasing copyright infringement in the streaming landscape”, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IIC), Vol. 42, No. 3/2011, pp. 316-343
Borghi & S. Karapapa, “Non-display uses of copyright works: Google Books and beyond”, Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2011, pp. 21–52 - download here
Borghi, “Copyright and Truth”, Theoretical Inquires in Law (TIL), vol. 12, n. 1 (2011) pp. 1-27 - download here
Borghi, “A Venetian experiment on perpetual copyright”, in Martin Kretschmer, Lionel Bently and Ronan Deazley (eds.) Privilege and Property: Essays on the History of Copyright (Open Books, Oxford: 2010), 137-155
Borghi & M.L. Montagnani, “Positive Copyright and Open Content Licences: How to Make a Marriage Work by Empowering Authors to Disseminate Their Creations”, 12 International Journal of Communications Law & Policy (2008), 244-273
Borghi & M.L. Montagnani, “Promises and Pitfalls of the European Copyright Law Harmonisation Process” in David Ward (ed.) The European Union and the Culture Industries: Regulation and the Public Interest (Ashgate: 2008), 213-240
Borghi, “Owning Form, Sharing Content: Natural-Right Copyright in the Digital Environment” in Fiona Macmillan (ed.) New Directions in Copyright Law, Vol. 5, (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham: 2007), 197-222
Borghi & M.L. Montagnani (eds.),“Proprietà digitale”: Diritti d’autore, nuove tecnologie e Digital Rights Management (Egea: 2006)
Borghi, “Il diritto d’autore tra regime proprietario e interesse pubblico” in M. Borghi & M.L. Montagnani (eds.) “Proprietà digitale”: Diritti d’autore, nuove tecnologie e Digital Rights Management (Egea, Milan: 2006), pp. 1-21
Borghi, “The Public Use of Reason: A Philosophical Understanding of Knowledge Sharing” 3 The International Journal of the Humanities (2006), 179-186
Borghi, “Rewarding Creativity: In Law, Economics, and Literature”, Ancilla Iuris 2006, 54-63
Borghi, La manifattura del pensiero. Diritti d’autore e mercato delle lettere in Italia (1801-1865) (Franco Angeli: 2003)
- Diritto privato dell'economia (a distanza) (GIU0593)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza - Intellectual Property Law (GIU0802)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza - International Copyright (GIU0769)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza - Web and E-Commerce Law (GIU0768)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Ricevimento studenti
Mercoledì 10.00-11.00 o su appuntamentoCampus Luigi Einaudi, blocco D2, stanza 64