- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
International Law
- Oggetto:
International Law
- Oggetto:
Anno accademico 2019/2020
- Codice dell'attività didattica
- GIU0752
- Docente
- Prof. Annamaria Viterbo (Titolare del corso)
- Corso di studi
- Laurea in Global Law and Transnational Studies - a Torino (D.M. 270/2004) [0707L31]
- Anno
- 1° anno
- Tipologia
- Caratterizzante
- Crediti/Valenza
- 9
- SSD dell'attività didattica
- IUS/13 - diritto internazionale
- Modalità di erogazione
- Tradizionale
- Lingua di insegnamento
- Inglese
- Modalità di frequenza
- Consigliata
- Tipologia d'esame
- Scritto e/o orale
- Oggetto:
Sommario insegnamento
- Oggetto:
Obiettivi formativi
The course aims at providing you with the analytical tools necessary to understand the institutional structure of the international legal system, specifically addressing some of the most recent developments.
During the programme, you will develop the skills to:
- thoroughly analyse and interpret legal sources, literature and cases
- research and formulate an independent opinion on international legal questions
- clearly present your findings both orally and in writing to legal specialists as well as non-lawyers
- actively participate in debates over contemporary international law issues
- apply your advanced academic knowledge of public international law in a professional context
- actively and skillfully conceptualize, apply, analyse, synthesise, and evaluate information in order to form a judgement and reach an answer or conclusion (critical thinking)
- Oggetto:
Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi
Students should:
- demonstrate a good knowledge and understanding of the topics addressed during the course.
- be able to properly use the skills acquired to analyse and solve international legal questions, applying the correct categories of international law.
- be able to discuss recent developments and formulate an independent opinion, arguing your point of view (or arguing your case for and against).
- Oggetto:
Modalità di insegnamento
The duration of the course is 60 hours (9 credits).
The course will be articulated in lectures, aimed at framing the key issues and providing a critical appraisal of the subject, and in breakout groups, for activities such as discussion, brainstorming, or the analysis of specific cases and problem questions.
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, during the second semester of the a.y. 2019-2020 the course was taught through e-learning modalities (see the Moodle webpage of the course) and in particular audio files, synopses of the different topics, reading materials, 4 mandatory exercises and other optional exercises (with individual feedback), chats and forum.
- Oggetto:
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
2019-2020 ATTENDING students on the Moodle Platform
Please check the information on the exam modalities on the Moodle platform.
2019-2020 NON-ATTENDING students
I will evaluate non-attending students through an oral exam (this is the Ateneo preferred choice).
The day of the exam, during the Webex session that will be open to everyone, I will ask you 3 questions on the entire book.
Even if, up to now, you have not followed the course activities on the Moodle, you are still in time to do it.
I will check your attendance status 5 days before the exam, when registrations to the exam will close.
2018-2019 STUDENTS
IMPORTANT: the written exam is replaced with an oral exam!
The day of the exam, during the Webex session that will be open to everyone, I will ask you 3 questions on the entire book. In fact, as agreed last year, attendance status for 2018-2019 students expired on July 2019.
To better organise the exam session, I will send you a tentative calendar of Webex meetings.
You will be divided in small groups and I will give you a specific timing to access the Webex platform.
The exam sessions may last for a few days, but in this way I hope I will manage to make things as smooth as possible, also for those living in a different time zone.
- Oggetto:
Attività di supporto
Students can contact me anytime dropping an email.
Individual Skype calls can be organised on demand on more complex matters.
- Oggetto:
- Evolution and main features of the international legal order in its historical evolution and in contemporary perspective
- Subjects and actors of international law
- Sources of international law: customs, general principles, treaties and soft law
- State sovereignty, jurisdiction and rules of immunity
- States' responsibility under international law
- The peaceful settlement of international disputes
- The use of force under international law and the UN collective security mechanism
- The protection of human rights
Testi consigliati e bibliografia
- Oggetto:
Andres Henriksen, 'International Law', Oxford University Press, 2019 (ISBN 9780198828723)
The ISBN of the e-book version of the book is 9780192563880. Students can contact their preferred ebook provider for ordering information. The e-book is also available on some web platforms for RENT (for example, https://www.vitalsource.com/ie/products/international-law-anders-henriksen-v9780192563880).
NB refer to the 2019 new edition, not to the old 2017 edition!
- Oggetto: