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European History of Law (A-L)

Pubblicato: Martedì 21 settembre 2021 da Enrico Genta

Dear Students, I would like to give you some information about the course. 

The different teaching blocks will be organised through a blend of different components: in particular, Prof. Genta's lectures will be in presence and virtual room. The link of the virtual room is the following:

During the teaching block of professor Genta, every Wednesday, instead of the lectures there will be a multiple-choice exercise (quiz) on the moodle platform about the arguments of Monday-Tuesday, starting at 16.15 and ending at 16.37.

The lectures of prof. Van Dongen, due to the Covid emergency, are blended. They will consist of powerpoints with audio comment and they will be inserted on the moodle platform.   

 All the materials will be made available through the teaching platform (moodle). 

It is therefore essential and compulsory that all the students register for the course to have full access both to materials, discussions and communications. 


Enrico Genta

Ultimo aggiornamento: 22/09/2021 11:48
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