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History of European law


History of European Law


Anno accademico 2021/2022

Codice dell'attività didattica
Dott. Mario Riberi (Titolare del corso)
Ida Ferrero (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studi
Laurea magistrale in European Legal Studies - a Torino (D.M. 270/2004)[0703M21]
1° anno
Periodo didattico
Secondo semestre
SSD dell'attività didattica
IUS/19 - storia del diritto medievale e moderno
Modalità di erogazione
Lingua di insegnamento
Modalità di frequenza
Tipologia d'esame
Scritto ed orale

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

The History of European Law course is framed within the general objective of the Master Programme in European Legal Studies to provide the students with an advanced cultural and technical training and knowledge of legal phenomena on the European and international stages. In particular, the course aims at equipping the students with an in-depth knowledge, from an historical-juridical perspective, of the institutional, and intellectual elements that European legal systems tend to have in common. 




Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

At the end of the course, the student should achieve the following learning objectives:

Knowledge and comprehension

- In-depth knowledge of the relevant legal phenomena in the European history of

- Ability to  highlight the different matrices, structures, concepts and the main scientific orientations of the European juridical tradition

- Awareness of the remarkable implications of law in every person's situation across history

Ability to apply knowledge and comprehension 

- Ability to handle a complex reasoning about the topics discussed in class

- Ability to apply the rules and principles of Medieval, Modern and Contemporary Laws to a given situation and to catch their implications

Autonomous intellectual approach and critical thinking

- Ability to organise the knowledge acquired and to weight its importance and relevance

- Ability to undertsand and to personally discuss topical issues through the lenses of the historical-juridical method

- Ability to explain the knowledge acquired, by using an appropriate legal terminology 


Modalità di insegnamento

Lessons will be held in person. For those who cannot make it to Turin or to the Campus because of COVID-19 restrictions, classes will be broadcasted in streaming, via the personal WeBex room of the Professors. Please check on the Moodle e-learning page for more detailed information in relation to each class.

The course will consist of:

 - traditional frontal lessons to be held by providing students with PPT presentations and audio presentations.

- involvement of the students in the elaboration of self-evaluation materials. In particular, on a voluntary basis and under the professor's supervision, the students will have the possibility to present a paper in class

- final exam simulations 

The course will be held in presence, if the epidemiological situation so allows. If, due to pandemic-related restrictions, the course needs to be taught at distance, it will consist of  a combination of synchronous and asynchronous teaching tools.


Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento


Students will take a written exam consisting of a discussion of 2 questions.

Limits to the length of the answers will be imposed. Depending on the characteristics of the questions, the time allocated will range from 40 min to 1 hour.

For the purposes of the final evaluation, the following criteria will be taken into consideration:

- formal accuracy (including grammar)

- completeness of the answers

- adequate selection of the relevant arguments

- adequate presentation of the arguments (including use of an appropriate legal terminology)

- autonomous organization and elaboration of the answer

"Incorrect" solutions to the cases will not automatically determine a negative evaluation, as long as the answer will be construed on a coherent reasoning, consistent with the underlying theoretical background and adequately motivated.





Attività di supporto

The Moodle e-learning page of the course is a key-instrument. The students are expected to enrol to the EU.MO.MI Moodle page and to the Giurisprudenza Unito page of the course.

In particular, the Moodle e-learning page will host:

- all the presentations displayed during the lectures

- video and/or video lectures

- optional learning materials

- ancillary contents (videos, links to websites, etc.)

- sample questions and short self-evaluation tests. 




The course deals with the basic aspects of European legal history. Following the comparative legal history approach, it will present some key-elements: among them, Ius commune/Common Law traditions, legal Humanism, Natural Law, Law of Reason, European Public Law, Constitutional Law, Evolution of Penal Law, Codifications, main legal trends and Schools.

Testi consigliati e bibliografia

A Short History of European Law: The Last Two and a Half Millennia
Anno pubblicazione:  
Harvard Univ Pr
Tamar Herzog




All compulsory study materials, relevant legal texts and case law will be uploaded on the Moodle e-learning page of the course. There you will also find a clear list of the compulsory study materials. 

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01/03/2022 11:42
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