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Principles of Constitutional Law - Module II - Take-home exam on May 15 - Clarifications

Pubblicato: Giovedì 14 maggio 2020 da Riccardo Perona

Dear Students,

some clarifications about my last e-mail, basing on the questions that you have been sending me:
  • the take home exam is an alternative to the essay: if you have sent me (or are planning to send me) an essay, you are not supposed to take the exam on May 15; if you take and pass the take home exam, that will be your evaluation and I will not evaluate any essay of yours; only exception: if you take the exam on May 15 but do not pass it, you will be allowed to send me an essay;
  • the exam will consist in 3 multiple-choice questions and 3 short-answer questions (max. 1.000 characters each): in total, 6 questions, 5 points each; I estimate that 1 hour and a half will be a reasonable time for you to complete the exam.
Riccardo Perona 
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Ultimo aggiornamento: 14/05/2020 03:05
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