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EU Mobility and Migration Law


EU Mobility and Migration Law


Anno accademico 2024/2025

Codice attività didattica
GIU0825B - GIU0720
Stefano Montaldo (Titolare del corso)
Francesco Costamagna (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studio
Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza - a Torino (D.M. 270/2004) [f004-c501]
Laurea magistrale in European Legal Studies - a Torino (D.M. 270/2004)[0703M21]
1° anno, 2° anno, 5° anno
Primo semestre
Caratterizzante, Affine o integrativo, A scelta dello studente
SSD attività didattica
IUS/14 - diritto dell'unione europea
Tipologia esame
Tipologia unità didattica
Insegnamento integrato
Advanced EU Law (GIU0825)

Appropriate knowledge of the founding elements of EU law, namely institutional framework, sources of law, system of judicial remedies, relationship with national legal orders.
Propedeutico a

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

The EU Mobility and Migration Law course is framed within the general objective of the Master Programme in European Legal Studies to provide the students with an advanced cultural and technical training and knowledge of legal phenomena on the European and international stages. In particular, the course aims at equipping the students with an in-depth knowledge of the legal regime of the freedom of movement of persons in the EU, as well as of EU migration law. Actually, this is a milestone of the students' cultural baggage and a strategic added value for their professional future.

In this context, the course is closely connected to other initiatives and learning opportunities offered by the Law Department and the Master Programme, such as the Diploma on Migration Studies, the Moot Courts project, the clinical programme and several complementary courses.   

Lastly, the EU Mobility and Migration Law course builds on the dynamic approach to the acquisition of formal knowledge which characterizes the Master Programme as a whole. Therefore, the course aims at providing the students with the tools which are necessary to understand and critically analyze EU mobility law and the management of migration phenomena, even through the combination of both a theoretical approach and the practice-oriented analysis of cases


Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

At the end of the course, the student should achieve the following learning objectives:

Knowledge and comprehension

- In-depth knowledge of the free movement of persons in the EU and of the main aspects of EU migration law

- Ability to analyse and understand relevant legal texts (EU acts, case law, etc.)

- Awareness of the remarkable implications of EU law in every person's situation and for the student's future professional activity

Ability to apply knowledge and comprehension 

- Ability to handle a complex reasoning on EU legal texts

- Ability to apply the rules and principles of EU law to a given situation and to catch their implications

Autonomous intellectual approach and critical thinking

- Ability to organise the knowledge acquired and to weight its importance and relevance

- Ability to understand and to personally discuss topical issues through the lenses of EU law

- Ability to explain the knowledge acquired, by using an appropriate legal terminology 



- Introduction to the course and review of the basics of EU law

- Freedom of movement of workers: The notion of worker, access to the job market and equal treatment

- EU citizenship and freedom of movement

- Right to reside and social benefits: Economically inactive citizens, jobseekers and Third Country nationals

- Family reunion and family reunification: EU citizens, third country nationals and their family members

- The negative dimension of mobility and migration: deportation of EU nationals and return of illegally staying third country nationals

- The common European asylum system: historical overview and the qualifications Directive

- The common European asylum system: procedures (overview) and the reception conditions Directive 

- The Dublin III system: fundamental rights, competences, solidarity and burden sharing

- EU asylum law and the outsourcing of asylum procedures


Modalità di insegnamento

The teaching methodologies include:

 - traditional frontal lessons to be held by providing students with PPT presentations and audio presentations.

- presentation of CJEU cases by individual students or group of students

- class debate of cases with the active participation of the students

- webinars on particularly important and topical issues

- presentations from high-profile academics, experts and practitioners

- involvement of the students in the elaboration of self-evaluation materials: mind maps, tests, case law summaries.

- final exam simulation 


Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

Students will take a written exam consisting of 2 questions. The possible types of questions are:

- discussion of and solution to a fictitious case

- request to take a position with respect to a given statement and to support such position by means of appropriate legal arguments

- request for a comment on an excerpt from relevant EU legislatin or CJEU case law

Limits to the length of the answers will be imposed. Depending on the characteristics of the questions, the time allocated will range from 50 min to 1 hour.

For the purposes of the final evaluation, the following criteria will be taken into consideration:

- formal accuracy (including grammar)

- completeness of the answers

- adequate selection of the relevant arguments

- adequate presentation of the arguments (including use of an appropriate legal terminology)

- autonomous organization and elaboration of the answer

"Incorrect" solutions to the cases will not automatically determine a negative evaluation, as long as the answer will be construed on a coherent reasoning, consistent with the underlying theoretical background and adequately motivated.


Attività di supporto

The Moodle e-learning page of the course is a key-instrument. The students are expected to enrol to the EU.MO.MI Moodle page and to check it on a regular basis.

In particular, the Moodle e-learning page will host:

- all specific information concerning the weekly activities of the course

- some of the compulsory study materials (and the syllabus summing up their list)

- all the presentations displayed during the lectures

- the case law analysed during the course 

- optional learning materials

- ancillary contents (videos, links to websites, etc.)

- sample questions and short self-evaluation tests. 

Testi consigliati e bibliografia

European Migration Law
Anno pubblicazione:  
Oxford University Press
Daniel Thym
The Handbook refers ONLY to the second part of the course. Additional study materials on the first and the second parts of the course are uploaded on the e-learning page of the course. The Handbook must not be studied in its entirety. Only the following selected Chapters constitute compulsory study materials. They are listed herewith according to the structure of the course: Ten (General features of EU legislation 27 pp.) - Twelve (Border controls - 36 pp.) - Fourteen (Legal migration - 42 pp.) - Fifteen (Integration and settlement - 36 pp.) - Sixteen (Irregular presence and return - 45 pp.) - Thirteen (Common European Asylum System - 90 pp.). Furthermore, these chapters must not be studied in their entirety. Please check the Moodle page of the course for a detailed outline of the sections of the selected chapters that are excluded from the compulsory study materials.
Note testo:  
Please note that the electronic version of the Handbook is included in the e-resources of the Bobbio Library, in the context of the Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) collection. You can get access to the e-book and download specific chapters either at the Library or remotely, by using your UniTo account and the Bibliopass service (please follow the instructions available on the website of the Library). Please remember that other compulsory study materials are available on the e-learning page of the course.

The compulsory study materials complementing the Handbook, relevant legal texts and case law are uploaded on the Moodle e-learning page of the course.

Students facing special learning disorders are kindly encouraged to contact the professors, to disclose their possible difficulties in approaching the course and the related activities. This is crucial to secure that all students can have full and easy access to the learning opportunities offered during the course. 

Please check the relevant webpage o the Law Department website, which outlines the available institutional support and tools:




aa. 2024/25:
European Legal Studies:
- GIU0825B - course unit of GIU0825 Advanced EU Law (TAF B - 6 cfu - year 1)
- GIU0720 - free choice course (TAF D) - "Free from year" course - 6 cfu
If the Combined Course GIU0825 is listed in your Study plan, its single course units can not be selected as "Free choice" courses (TAF D) and vice versa.

Ciclo unico: GIU0720 - TAF R - 6 cfu - year 5



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