Global Law and Transnational Legal Studies
Location: Turin
Reference Department: Law
Duration: 3 years
Classification of Degree: First Cycle Degree L-14
Code: 0707L31
Teaching mode: conventional
Places Available: free access
Places Available for international students: 100
Course held in English
President: Pier Giuseppe Monateri
Vice-president: Laura Scomparin
Study Plan, passage, transfer and second degree procedures: Enrico Genta e Annamaria Viterbo
Erasmus+ Coordinator: Enrico Sciandrello
Equal Opportunities: Laura Scomparin
Tutors for students:
Riccardo Arietti
Elisa Bossotti
Francesco Chervatin
Claudia Pirronitto
Academic Regulation for the Course
Website MIUR - Universitaly (available from a.y. 2019/20)
The TARM will take place on September 14th (at 9 o'clock, room 3 Palazzina Luigi Einaudi) and on October 23rd (at 9 o'clock, Aula Magna Campus) at the Campus Luigi Einaudi.
TARM registration for the first session (September 14th) of the TARM test will be possible from 30th of July until the 4th of September.
TARM registration for the second session (October 23rd) of the TARM test will be possible from 17th of September until the 12th of October.
The registration procedure for international students is described here:
The registration procedure for students holding an Italian diploma is described here:
The enrolment to Global Law and transnational Legal Studies program, therefore, will be subject to the result of the TARM entirely in English which will consist of a multiple choice test with a total number of 50 questions, each with multiple possible answers of which 1 is correct, to be carried out within the maximum time of 100 minutes.
In particular, the TARM has a structure divided into 5 sections: questions of comprehension of the text; logic questions; questions of general humanistic culture; questions of general scientific culture; questions of general legal, economic and social culture.
All the applicants to the Global Law and Transnational Legal Studies who will carry out the TARM and who will meet the University’s requirement for English language competence, will be able to enroll and to fill in the online career plan.
Instead students who will fail the TARM, with a score that is lower than 20/50, will still have the chance to enroll to Global Law and Transnational Legal Studies program, but OFAs will be assigned. The OFAs are considered absolved with the completion of a single path of strengthening skills. The OFAs will be programmed in the next months and will be held in English. It is important to point out that students, who will fail the TARM and who will not undergo the OFAs at the least by the end of June 2019, will not be able to apply to the second year of Global Law and Transnational Legal Studies program.
Students, who have done an incoming or a passing transfer procedure from another degree course, will not have to bear the Test for the Assessment of Minimum Requirements.
All the applicants who have done an incoming or a changing transfer procedure from another degree course, with the recognition of up to 20 credits from the previous university career, won’t have to undergo the TARM, but they will have to fulfill the Additional Educational Requirements (OFA).
The TARM scores of September, the 14th, are published here. The TARM scores of October, the 22nd will be published soon in the same webpage.
Knowledge of English will be deemed to be satisfactory upon presentation of suitable linguistic certification required by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) attesting to a level of knowledge at least equal to level B2.
The linguistic certification has to be presented on the day the candidates will do the TARM.
Students who are not in possession of this certification can complete the enrolment procedure only after passing an interview (10-15 minutes) aimed at verifying the adequacy of their personal knowledge of the English language.
Interviews will take place periodically, in classrooms open to the public, upon notification on the site of the Department of Law, in the presence of at least three teachers of the Course. Students must bring with them a valid identity document to have the interview.
The first interview will take place on September 17th at Palazzina Einaudi, room 1, from 9 o'clock to 13 o'clock.
The second interview will take place on September 18th at Campus Luigi Einaudi, room E1 from 14 o'clock to 19 o'clock.
The third interview will take place on October 24th at Campus Luigi Einaudi, room Aula Magna from 14 o'clock to 19 o'clock.
All the applicants to the Global Law and Transnational Legal Studies who will failed the TARM (namely their TARM’s score is lesser than twenty fiftieths) will be obliged to carry out Additional Educational Requirements (OFA) through the attendance of an alignment program.
All the applicants who have done an incoming or a changing transfer procedure from another degree course, with the recognition of up to 20 credits from the previous university career, will not have to undergo the TARM, but they will have to fulfill the Additional Educational Requirements (OFA).
The training will last 20 hours and its main purpose is helping students to acquire the basic instruments needed for their university study, above all legal issues’ study. Lessons, both theoretical and practical, will be given in English. Students will be actively involved in simulation and practice exercises.
At the end of the course students will take an exam. After successful completion of the test, students will meet the Additional Educational Requirements required. This test is mandatory and it is repeatable only once. To take the test it is necessary to attend at least two thirds of the lessons.
It should also be noted that the attendance at this course is also open to all interested students, even those to whom OFAs are not required.
The textbook useful through the course is: Edward H. Levi, An Introduction to Legal Reasoning, University of Chicago Press, 107 pp. The book is available to Polo Bobbio’s libraries or can be easily find online.
Further information (start day, schedule, professor) about OFAs will be published at the latest by December. However, students who have failed the Test for the Assessment of Minimum Requirements (TARM) will receive an email to their UNITO’s address ( containing instructions to proceed with the registration to OFA’s course.
The objective of the Course is to train graduates able to carry out extremely varied professional tasks in an international work context: from business work in the legal divisions - and not only - of large multinational organizations, to an institutional career at an international level; from the work of qualified legal advice in companies / banks and services to that for the world of NGOs and the third sector. The courses are taught entirely in English.
The main thread of the Course is constituted by the reflection on the new forms of normativity that endow the States and the enterprises, on the processes of evolution of the sources of the law and the conflicts of jurisdiction from the viewpoint both, of a lawyer in public law and a lawyer in private law. In this sense, the particularly large contribution that will be covered by the discipline of legal comparison will allow the student to deepen the incredible variety of legal models, practices and cultures that characterize the sphere of legal phenomena on a global and transnational scale.
The Course undoubtedly provides as a whole the indispensable knowledge and skills necessary for the graduate to operate in a fragmented, complex and innovative legal context, without renouncing openness to interdisciplinary perspectives.
In fact, during the first year students will obtain a basic legal knowledge in all the scientific disciplinary sectors that lay the foundations of modern legal knowledge, presented (angled) in an innovative global perspective.
In the second year the CdS will then aim to provide a deeper knowledge of the international (European and global) profiles of today's legal phenomena through the main tool of comparison and will also provide a precise knowledge of the operation, scope and activities of the main European and International institutions.
Finally, during the third year the Course will go deeper in the juridical practice and decision-making mechanisms of the European and international jurisdictional bodies, as well as the salient profiles underway in the processes of globalization from a legal point of view but with perspectives towards the political and economic sector. The student can then devote himself, with greater awareness and according to his own interests, to the deepening of some aspects of the multifaceted and complex global legal phenomenon, through the choice of optional exams (also related to the research work required to develop the thesis of a three-year degree).
The graduate of the three-year degree, will be able to operate fully in English: will have learned how to orally present, in an effective manner, the salient topics of the courses and will have the ability to draw up reports and in-depth written, as well as legal acts (contracts, applications and appeals), in a national dimension, European, transnational or international. The graduate will also have the ability to address and solve legal issues related to practical cases, illustrating the legal implications and addressing critical profiles useful for reaching concrete solutions.
These results will be obtained through presentations, tutorials, seminars, simulations of legal process and traineeships aimed at allowing the acquisition of methodologies and interaction skills within highly professional European and international work environments.
Of course, given the distinctly transnational character of the studies, students will be properly incited to grasp the wide opportunities offered by the University and the Department to carry out a period of training abroad (Erasmus, binary degrees, traineeship, scholarships abroad).
I YEAR (2018/19) |
Course code |
Courses |
GIU0747 |
9 |
IUS/01 |
A |
GIU0748 |
9 |
IUS/08 |
A |
GIU0749 |
9 |
IUS/20 |
A |
GIU0750 |
9 |
IUS/19 |
A |
GIU0751 |
6 |
IUS/18 |
A |
GIU0637 |
9 |
SECS-P/01 |
B |
GIU0752 |
9 |
IUS/13 |
B |
GIU0753 |
3 |
NN |
E |
Total ECTS for year: 63 - (7 exams) |
Class Schedule Academic year 2018/19
II YEAR (a.a. 2019/20) |
Course code |
Courses |
GIU0754 |
Corporate Law |
9 |
IUS/04 |
B |
GIU0755 |
Administrative Law |
9 |
IUS/10 |
B |
GIU0611 |
Comparative Law |
9 |
IUS/02 |
B |
GIU0756 |
Principles of Criminal Law |
9 |
IUS/17 |
B |
GIU0757 |
European Union Law |
6 |
IUS/14 |
B |
GIU0758 |
Legal Aspects of Globalization |
6 |
IUS/13 |
B |
GIU0759 |
Public Comparative Law |
6 |
IUS/21 |
B |
A 6 ECTS courses among: |
GIU0760 |
Legal Theory |
6 |
IUS/20 |
C |
GIU0761 |
Law & Literature |
6 |
IUS/02 |
C |
GIU0762 |
Law & Arts |
6 |
IUS/02 |
C |
GIU0763 |
Chinese Law |
6 |
IUS/02 |
C |
GIU0764 |
Islamic / Hindu Law Traditions |
6 |
IUS/02 |
C |
Total ECTS for year: 60 - (8 exams) |
III YEAR (a.a. 2020/21) |
Course code |
Courses |
GIU0765 |
Labour Law |
9 |
IUS/07 |
B |
GIU0766 |
European Civil Procedure |
6 |
IUS/15 |
B |
GIU0767 |
European Criminal Procedure |
6 |
IUS/16 |
B |
/ |
Scelta dello studente |
12 |
/ |
D |
/ |
Seminario / Tirocinio |
6 |
NN |
F |
GIU0772 |
Prova Finale / Dissertation |
6 |
NN |
E |
A 6 ECTS courses among: |
GIU0634 |
Food Law |
6 |
IUS/10 |
C |
GIU0768 |
Web and e-Commerce Law |
6 |
IUS/04 |
C |
GIU0769 |
International Copyright |
6 |
IUS/04 |
C |
GIU0451 |
Fundamental Rights in Europe |
6 |
IUS/21 |
C |
A 6 ECTS courses among: |
GIU0770 |
Advanced Comparative Law |
6 |
IUS/02 |
C |
GIU0771 |
Law and Political Thought |
6 |
IUS/02 |
C |
GIU0633 |
International Arbitration |
6 |
IUS/13 |
C |
GIU0773 |
Transnational Justice |
6 |
IUS/13 |
C |
Total ECTS for year: 57 - (6 exams) |
Knowledge of access
According to the D.M. 270/04, for admission to the course it is necessary to have a secondary school diploma or equivalent qualification obtained abroad, in addition to the requirements of the educational regulations.
In addition, the student must possess a satisfactory level of general knowledge, good expressive abilities and attitudes to reasoning and argumentation and mastery of the English language with a level of knowledge at least at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) that will be verified through an official certification referring to the CEFR or through any other certificate or curriculum element suitable to certify the level of linguistic competence.
Any deficiency of the required skills is ascertained through a self-assessment test in English, at the beginning of the program, that will focus on the subjects specified in the Didactic Regulations, and supervised by tutoring activities. In the case of non-positive verification, individual tutoring interventions are made available to students, including a path to recover the deficiencies highlighted by the test.
The initial preparation will be verified by the self-assessment test (TARM).
The three-year degree is aimed at all those who aspire to a career as officers of OIG, NGOs and third sector organizations; the graduate will also be ready to perform legal advisory duties for companies, banks and service companies, as well as to operate within the legal divisions of large multinational organizations, in public administrations and as an analyst in research institutes and think tanks. The roles that the graduate will be able to fill are specifically:
OIG: coordination of activities in various areas, legal advice.
NGOs and third sector: operator / project manager; coordination tasks in various fields, legal advice.
Company / Bank / Services: legal consultant, internationalization expert, business development, commercial, international relations, business organization, social responsibility.
Multinational organizations: operators within the legal divisions and in other positions of the company organization chart.
Public bodies and mixed public / private organizations: internationalization officer, project manager, coordination tasks in various fields, legal advice.
Research: analyst / researcher, studies' drafting personnel, newsletter and report specialists.
Self-assessment, Periodic Evaluation and Accreditation of the Italian University System (AVA)
The CUN (National University Council) and the ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System) are assigned separate tasks for the purposes of accreditation of University Degree Programs, by the Ministry.
The CUN is called to opine during the establishment of a Course, while the ANVUR is called to opine during the accreditation and activation of a Course.
The accreditation process by the ANVUR foreseen by the Ministerial Decree n. 47 of the 30th of January 2013, includes the preparation, by the Course, of self-assessment documentation based on its own quality assurance processes.
View the documents related to the periodic accreditation of the Course (documents not available).
Available in a.y. 2019/20