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Law Schools Global League

From 21 July to 24 July 2019 the Law Department of the University of Turin hosted the 7th LSGL Annual Meeting, in collaboration with the Law Schools Global League  and the  Collegio Carlo Alberto

The program of the days has included a series of events: 

Welcome event: 21st July, afternoon

The Academic Conference 22nd July, morning 

The Legal Tech Venture Day 22nd July, afternoon

Deans’ meeting and Research Groups meeting 23rd July, morning and afternoon 

Administrative Group meeting 23rd July

The Law School Global League (LSGL) "brings together law schools that share a commitment to the globalization of law and to integrating global law in their teaching research". Since its creation, the League has organized Summer Schools, "which offer students a cutting-edge learning experience in exploring the challenges of the legal profession in an increasingly globalized world".

Usually the Summer School takes place at one of the League's member school and focuses on 3 or 4 topics over the course of 2 weeks. Courses offered by the Summer School are taught by professors coming from the League's institutions. Topics are transnational in nature and vary, for instances, from Personality rights into the Online World, IP in contemporary society, to the Role of Corporations in the Protection of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the Global Context. Addressing transnational issues enables students to improve their own skills and get prepared to a new way of thinking the legal profession, insofar as contemporary society needs lawyers able to deal with the new demands of a globalized world.

Daily attendance is mandatory and students are required to prepare classes, so that the discussion and the debate occurring the following day will be more enjoyable and profitable. At the end of every week, and at the same time of the course, there will be an exam, which has the aim of evaluating students on what they acquired and learned through the week. Provided they successfully pass tests, students will be given ECTS credits, which may be recognized by their home university.

The LSGL Summer School enables law students to get aware of the increasing importance and inevitable impact of globalization on legal education, as well as on legal profession, in contemporary society. This helps to acknowledge the fact that law is not just about positive laws and State law, but is a phenomenon much more complex than that, which encompasses other kind of sources of law, that, according to empirical researches, turn out to be binding on societies as a result.

The League takes seriously into account this perspective, which, furthermore, embodies one of the Law School Global League guiding principles: in fact, "the LSGL perceives globalization as a process that is fundamentally changing law, in the sense that it: challenges the classical paradigm of national law and the monopoly of the nation-State over the process of lawmaking and law enforcement"

This change of mind-set is among the several valuable benefits one can get from such an experience. Moreover, both the variety of students and teachers, the former coming from different backgrounds and cultures, the latter with their own approach to law and different teaching methods, help you to understand from how many perspectives law might be looked at and be taught.

LSGL Summer School provides an opportunity to grow as a scholar and an individual. By balancing challenging academics with a rich menu of educational and social activities, you'll have a learning experience that is truly transformative.

Admission is a selective process; to be eligible to apply students must:

  • have complete at least one year of legal studies (LLB, LLM o JB);
  • must be proficient in English.

For UniTO students: CALL 2024

List of the last LSGL Summer School:

  • The first Summer school organized by the League took place AT Catolica Global Law School in Lisbon from 15 until 26 July 2013
  • The 2nd LSGL Summer School took place in Istanbul, Turkey from July 07 to July 18, 2014
  • The 3rd LSGL Summer School took place in Cape Town, South Africa from 6 to 17 July, 2015
  •  The 4th LSGL Summer School took place at Northwestern University Law School, Chicago (IL/USA) July 11-22, 2016
  • The 5th LSGL Summer School took place in Ciudad de México, 10-21 July 2017
  • The 6th LSGL Summer School took place in Madrid, 16-27 July 2018
  • The 7th LSGL Summer School took place in Torino, 15-26 July 2019
  • The 8th LSGL Summer School was delivered online by coordination of HSE University and LSGL Presidency, 12-25 July 2020
  • The 9th LSGL Summer School was delivered online by coordination of LSGL Presidency and the National University of Singapore Faculty of Law, 12-16 July 2021
  • The 10th LSGL Summer School took place in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, 18-29 July 2022
  • The 11th LSGL Summer School took place in London, 17-28 July 2023

Biagio Schettino (University of Turin, LSGL Summer School in Cape Town) :
"The fact that discussion in class is both required and welcomed brings students to challenge themselves and call into question their own idea of what the law is and ought to be. Students are thus encouraged to take their own position and to express ideas, taking into consideration the fact that the interconnectedness and the interdependency caused by globalization entails that there are many factors and interests at stake as a result. This stimulates our way of thinking and helps us in particular, law students in a civil law legal system, to consider law in a different way from the one we are used to"

Ilaria Toselli ( University of Turin, LSGL Summer School in Cape Town ) :
"I was really delighted to learn about the possibility of spending two weeks in Cape Town at the UCT. The summer school has strongly enrich my understanding of the law and provide me with an exceptional opportunity to gain a comparative perspective of my legal studies. Bringing together students and legal scholars working in both common law and civil law, LSGL summer school offers an incredible opportunity to engage with fundamental legal issues through a plurality of perspectives. The Summer school is well organized offering a variety of courses and at the same time offering the opportunity to visit and discover a new country and culture. The professors were really prepared ;  during the lessons they always spur us to express our ideas and to take a position. Finally, I can state that the LSGL Summer School has been an extremely exciting and valuable experience for both my studies and general development''

Giovanni Albrile ( University of Turin, LSGL Summer School in Istanbul ) :
" I can honestly state that attending LSGL in Istanbul was simply a great experience. The courses were tailor made in order to face both the basic elements and specific cased of the subject concerned, and the lessons were given on a participative form allowing students to share their knowledge and expertise to improve the comparative component of the course. The professors were organized, prepared and open to questions and suggestions, and the full event was really well organized, giving also a great chance to visit amazing locations, without penalizing the fundamental learning component of the summer school .Moreover, meeting with law students coming from all over the world gave me the chance not only to sharpen my linguistic and relational skills, but also to directly compare laws, institutions and learning experiences of different countries. It is, therefore, and experience I would definitely suggest to any Italian law student"

Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/04/2024 10:12
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